• @lemmefixdat4u@lemmy.world
    1551 month ago

    That there is an all powerful supreme being that demands our worship or else we will suffer for all eternity after our death.

  • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
    201 month ago

    I feel like flat earthers might be the most insane one I’m familiar with - I don’t keep up with the conspiracy-verse though.

    • SkaveRat
      201 month ago

      Dan Olson did a great video on flat earthers. With a mid-video twist on why you don’t see as much of them anymore as you used to

      In Search Of A Flat Earth

      Production wise it’s one of my favorite video essays

        • SkaveRat
          1 month ago

          I wish.

          In case people don’t want to get spoiled:


          The essay theorizes that the people flocked to qanon

          • norbert
            91 month ago

            I feel like like the QAnon stuff swept up huge swaths of otherwise unconnected conspiracy theorists. Flat earth, chemtrails, aliens, all the “classic” conspiracies just kind of got co-opted and folded into the big crazy tent of insane people.

            • SkaveRat
              31 month ago

              yup. that’s exactly what the second half of the video is about

              • norbert
                51 month ago

                It’s kind of a bummer. Aliens and Bilderbergers and Government Mind Control used to be fun little thought experiments to smoke a J and play what-if with your friends; but you can’t even bring that stuff up anymore without someone thinking you’re serious and bringing up adrenochrome or (((Globalists)))

                This timeline sucks, I want to go back to when everyone knew the X-Files was a TV show and fascists kept their brainrot on AM radio.

    • @seaQueue@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Qanon is like a clown car of unhinged conspiracy theories. Every time you think “Wow, that’s bananas, what kind of blood lead levels do these people have to fall for this?” they trot out something even more deranged/racist/fascist.

  • @RobotToaster@mander.xyz
    111 month ago

    One of my favourite historical ones was the John birch society saying Lyndon B. Johnson was a communist agent, who started the Vietnam war to help communists take over the USA.

  • @Fizz@lemmy.nz
    221 month ago

    Id have to go with the jews control everything theory from the racist perspective. They believe that the jews have infiltration top levels of western society for the sole intention of destroying the white race and creating an underclass of mindless golem that they can control.

    • @flamingo_pinyata@sopuli.xyz
      331 month ago

      I really don’t get the Nazi belief system.

      1. Some races are superior to others and naturally must rule
      2. Despite all persecutions, Jews are immensely powerful and secretly control the world

      According to their own philosophy they should be willingly serving the superior race - Jews

      • OBJECTION!
        1 month ago
        I can explain how their nonsense ideology works, but it's really dumb and extremely racist and you might be better off not knowing
        Are you sure?

        The reasoning goes that certain races are more inclined towards physical strength while being mentally inferior, such that they can’t accomplish anything on their own but can contribute if “directed,” while Jewish people are the opposite, such that they can understand things and manipulate people, but not build or accomplish anything on their own. White people are supposed to be a sort of “happy medium,” not necessarily the smartest or the strongest but smart enough to figure things out with enough strength and gumption to follow through - the image being similar to the highly idealized capitalist innovator, building a company from the ground up with hard work and vision. In the Nazi worldview, white people’s fatal flaw is being too moral and kind, which Jews exploit by spreading socialist ideology, and which can prevent whites from taking action and exerting strength. So in the Nazi worldview, Jews control the world only because white people aren’t really trying hard enough, and because of that, conditions are declining because Jews only want to take over existing structures and not build anything new.

        This worldview is obviously complete bullshit that exists to justify violence (whether organized by the state or street violence) against vulnerable people, because Nazis are cowardly bullies looking for someone to pick on to feel strong. It ignores (or glamorizes) the entire history of slavery and colonialism, and it makes sweeping generalizations about people based on idiotic stereotypes grounded in racist eugenics bullshit.

        But it had appeal in Germany because it provided a simple explanation for why conditions were declining, and it allowed people to redirect feelings of frustration or grief into anger and hate - while at the same time dividing the working class and getting people to oppose left-wing reforms that would’ve eased their burdens. At the same time, it was amenable to existing power structures, because most of the people in positions of power were white, and kept their power in the transition to fascism, while at the same the Nazis could pretend to be enacting “socialist” policies by nationalizing minority-run businesses.

        On the one hand, I hate that I even know what they believe, but I guess there’s some utility in knowing the enemy in order to better fight them and better predict their movements.

        Fuck Nazis.

      • @taladar@sh.itjust.works
        251 month ago

        The hated minority being inferior but also immensely powerful is a pretty standard feature of anti-minority world views of all kinds. It is pretty much required to justify the extreme actions they want to take against the minority.

    • @tombruzzo@lemm.ee
      231 month ago

      This is like the master conspiracy theory. Every other conspiracy theory just turns into this one after enough time

    • @Fizz@lemmy.nz
      21 month ago

      These people genuinely believe isreali mossad agents targeting their fourm with a psyops and demoralization campaigns. It’s very entertaining to observe.

      • NoIWontPickAName
        01 month ago

        There’s a decent chance that mossad did.

        Just like the fbi, nsa,cia, kgb, and all the other alphabet soups

    • @1984@lemmy.today
      -11 month ago

      I think people are confusing it with Hollywood. There are many jews in Hollywood and many Jewish traditions are seen in American movies.

    • livus
      191 month ago

      There’s nothing unhinged about Time Cube. It’s just so obviously true. 4 similtaneous rotations, 4 corner earth days. Circle times square.

      Either you need to read it again, or else you’re part of the conspiracy of suppression.

      • @Fashtas@aussie.zone
        11 month ago

        Please be careful when making jokes, it may see harmless rubbish, but at least one person committed suicide due to their obsession with this stuff.

        • livus
          11 month ago

          With Time Cube? I didn’t know that. You’re right, people who get really caught up in conspiracy theories can be vulnerable.

          • @Fashtas@aussie.zone
            11 month ago

            yeah the article in this thread mentions a young man who got into it and “differed” from the original guy who them got upset at them

      • mub
        41 month ago

        I only stuck my head in the and got the same feeling I did when I watched the first 30 mins of Lost. I stopped before going all in.

  • @Nobody@lemmy.world
    111 month ago

    The global wealthy elite being pedophiles conspiracy is unthinkably evil. It’s also unfortunately true. Epstein’s island proved it.

  • Random_Character_A
    981 month ago

    If you work hard and long hours for the company, you’ll advance in your career and become esteemed leader and collect rich rewards.

    • @Longpork3@lemmy.nz
      21 month ago

      I’ve never encountered that theory before. As far as my exposure has been, most opposition to 1080 is based around bykill; the effect of the poison on non-target species.

      The scientific evidence suggests that the number of natives killed unintentionally by 1080 drops is more than compensated by the increased survival rates of those who now suffer less predation, but walk into any pub and you’ll find half a dozen people throwing out anecdotes about silent forests in the days after 1080 drops.

      • livus
        11 month ago

        A lot of them also seem to refer to earlier forms of 1080 etc. Given the “silent seas” I suspect what this is really about is a sort of folk response to climate change and ecological collapse.

        But the rabid activist ones seem to have linked the “Agenda 21” conspiracies, chemtrails etc with 1080. The covid/5G stuff as well, Sue Grey (antivax lawyer) was mixed up with the ban 1080 movement.

    • bobburger
      11 month ago

      Do they say what the Illuminati want to terra form NZ in to? Or is just the threat of any kind of terra forming enough?

      • livus
        11 month ago

        It’s unclear to me. As far as I can tell they think the United Nations/Illuminati wants to poison the humans, birds, and mammals and … maybe get rid of farmland? Repurpose New Zealand somehow.

        Some of them have physically attacked Department of Conservation staff, sabotaged vehicles, etc. They’re passionate about it.

  • @fubo@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Microsoft, the state of South Dakota, and the Freemasons have been infiltrated by the Unified Buttjones Imperial Court (UBIC), formed in 1834 by the merger of the Imperial Buttjones Society and the All-Ireland Industrial Arsing Federation. UBIC agents camouflage themselves as janitors, assistant product managers, or beagles, and spread an invisible green slime over toilet seats to infect the minds of their targets. Through this mental infiltration, they obtain control over the vazween or pony-flavored sector of the human soul, creating Inter-Vazween Buttjones Networks (IVBN) through repeated application of the Greater Invoking Pentacle of Pony Erotic Revelation (GIPPER). Using an apparatus constructed from illegal immigrants, UBIC uses the IVBN and GIPPER to insert bugs into Windows, Masonic initiations, and the Lewis & Clark State Recreation Area. Anyone who denies this obvious truth is a buttjones.