I mean it’s bad juju to throw books in the trash right? What’s the proper way to get rid of them? (with the least amount of effort)

  • @FearTheCron@lemmy.world
    211 months ago

    It probably also depends on the book. I have tons of outdated books on obscure topics within engineering, science, and computing. I doubt anyone would check out my 1995 book on the Vi text editor from a library. Although, if I’m lucky, perhaps it could be a collectors item some day. In reality, I’m probably going to just say “thank you for helping me so many years ago” and respectfully recycle the book.

    • @bhmnscmm@lemmy.world
      211 months ago

      That’s probably true, I would expect libraries not be very interested in obsolete technical books.

      However, I image many of the books people have don’t match that description. And in my experience libraries (especially school libraries) are happy to take them.